School Enrollment

We are excited you are considering enrolling your son or daughter at North Cow Creek Elementary School. Our School servers students in grades TK - 8th grade. On this page you'll find key enrollment information. You can also download the enrollment packet and other important information.

More information can be obtained by calling the school office (530-549-4488) or emailing the school office ([email protected]).

Transitional Kindergarten
To enroll in TK, students must turn 5 years old between September 2 and February 2.

To enroll in K, students must turn in 5 on or before September 1.

Class size in kindergarten is 24 students or lower.
First - Third Grade
We must maintain an average enrollment of 24 students per teacher and strive to maintain no more than 24 per class. Classes are self-contained with students having one teacher.
Fourth - Sixth Grade
We strive for 28 students per teacher but do have some classes occasionally exceed this number. Classes are self-contained with students having one teacher.
Seventh - Eighth Grade
We strive for 28 students per grade but do have some grades exceed this number. We have two teachers serving our  students. One teacher teaches Language Arts and Social Studies. The other teacher teaches Math and Science.
Home Study
Our Home Study program is offered to families who wish to keep their students at home. We have openings at all grades levels (TK-8) within the Home Study program.
(Call the office for info)

Approximately 70% of our students (170 students) attend North Cow Creek on an Interdistrict agreement. This is an agreement that allow students who reside in another district to attend our school. If you live in another school district and want your child to attend NCC, you can click here to download the Interdistrict Agreement Form. This form needs to be taken to your home district for approval and then submitted to the NCC office. You do not need this form if you reside in the NCC district boundaries.

Students attending NCC on on Interdistrict Agreement must also complete an Attendance Contract agreeing to certain terms as a guest student/family. Any student in grades 1-8 requesting to attend NCC on an interdistrict will be scheduled for a meeting with the school administrator prior to acceptance. The student and parent are asked to attend this meeting.

Students must have the state required immunizations to attend North Cow Creek. These requirements can be found HERE. Shasta County Health Department offers immunization free (or at a reduced rate). Contact information can be found HERE.

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