Attendance Policies

Absence from school shall be excused only for health reasons, family emergencies and justifiable personal reasons, as permitted by law or Board policy.

It is the policy of NCCS that students attend school every day and be punctual. Five days of unexcused or a total of ten days absences is considered grounds to return the student to their district of residence.
  • Attendance is taken every day and reviewed monthly.
  • Absences are only excused in cases of illness, family emergency or other state approved reasons, as stated in the California Education Code.  Other reasons for absences, such as vacations, non-medical appointments, or other "family reasons" cannot be excused under California law.
  • Attendance must meet the NCCS attendance standard with not more than 5 unexcused absences, not more than ten total absences and less than ten tardies. Ten or more tardies is considered excessive. Excessive absences and tardies are detrimental to a student’s academic progress. There is no adequate way for students to recover missed teacher explanations and instruction, or class discussions. If absences and/or tardies become excessive, a Student Study Team meeting will be scheduled to discuss the possible return of the student to their district of residence.
  • After school detentions may be assigned to students fourth through eighth grade who have five or more tardies.
  • If a student arrives after 8:15 a.m., they must check in with the office for a tardy slip before going to class.
  • Verification of absences are to be made by telephone or note from the parent or guardian indicating the date and reason for absence. The parent or guardian should call the school office at 549-4488 the same day as the absence.  Absences not cleared within five (5) school days will be considered unexcused.
  • School begins promptly at 8:15 a.m. Early drop off is available at 7:45 a.m. The bell rings at 8:15 a.m.  Students who are tardy disrupt and deter the education of themselves and others in the class.
  • Please schedule all medical, dental, and other appointments for after school hours.
  • The principal, or designee, shall implement positive steps to reduce truancy. Students who are habitual truants or habitually insubordinate or disorderly during attendance at school may be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
  • When the student’s attendance problems cannot be resolved or the student and parent/guardian have failed to respond to directives to correct the problem, a student who has been classified as truant may be referred to the district attorney or probation officer for truancy mediation. Further, the school attendance review board or probation officer may request a juvenile court petition on behalf of the student.
Short-term Independent Study, which counts as attendance, is available for students who will be absent for 3 days or more.  To be eligible for short term independent study, parents must request the independent study no less than 3 days in advance, sign the Independent Study Contract, and return all completed work to the Attendance Secretary by the end of the contract time.
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